Digital Media - Photography and Video
I hope you enjoy the experience of these few examples of photographs and video that I've created for clients that help to tell their stories to the world.

Video Production
Documentary - Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi
Opening Ceremony - Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi
Kia Whakawhirinaki Ōpōtiki Rangatahi Group - 2022
Pohutukawa Tutoring
As Above So Below - Waitangi Soda Springs
Māori Self Determination for Health

Tapuaeharuru Marae


Live Events

Service to You
Ivor creates websites for clients, and helps them to tell their stories to the world through photography and video documentaries. I also works as a Career Practitioner, connecting People with their future career pathway, as People are the most important thing!
Meet Ivor
Ivor is a freelance digital media creator, and uses the visual art of photography and video storytelling to connect with clients.